DragonCon 2019
We will be at DragonCon 2019 on the American SciFi Classics Track, times and presentations to be announced closer to the convention.
Stay tuned!
Tickets available HERE.
We will be at DragonCon 2019 on the American SciFi Classics Track, times and presentations to be announced closer to the convention.
Stay tuned!
Tickets available HERE.
DragonCon is already here again! As many of you know, this is our hometown convention, and it's HUGE, and so much fun. It happens every year in Atlanta, GA on Labor Day weekend. Check out the link for more details. If you plan to come out, PLEASE do yourself a favor and get the DragonCon app. You can navigate the con, you can easily search for us in the schedule and get current/ updated panel times and locations, and you can help us out by rating the panels!
This year we are pushing ourselves to the limit and doing FIVE fully-produced presentations. Our panels are sort of like live versions of our videos - funny and informative, with lots of research and visual aids. We will be rolling out announcements of our panels all week long, so check back to see what we have in store.
Side note: We always get asked if we will be posting the panels on the YouTube channel... the answer (as always) is yes. However, whether or not we post them in real time via live stream remains to be seen, as there are a number of technical hurdles to giving you all a good quality video. Ultimately, it's more likely we will wait until just after the con, edit them, and post them in higher quality. So now, with no further ado, here are our panels!
FRIDAY 9/1/17
RetroBlasting Presents: Transformers vs Gobots: The Complete History
Description: Whether you live on Cybertron or Gobotron, this is the panel for you. RetroBlasting follows the trail of wreckage as the Transformers and the Gobots battled for toy aisle supremacy in the 1980s!
Time: Fri 05:30 pm Location: M103-M105 - Marriott (Length: 1 Hour)
RetroBlasting Presents: Lightsabers Across the Galaxy
Description: The pros at Retroblasting take an in-depth look at Star Wars' most famous prop: lightsabers! From their conception, to their depictions on film, to the toys and how they have evolved over time. How have they changed, and how important is Anakin's saber?
Time: Sat 11:30 am Location: A706 - Marriott (Length: 1 Hour)
RetroBlasting Presents Neon Is Half the Battle: GI Joe Jumps the SHARC
Description: What happened in 1987 that turned G.I. Joe from elite military heroes into Flash Gordon astronauts? Knowing is half the panel.
Time: Sat 05:30 pm Location: M103-M105 - Marriott (Length: 1 Hour)
SUNDAY 9/3/17
RetroBlasting Toons of Yesteryear
Description: Michael and Melinda from RetroBlasting cover many of your favorite animated shows from years gone by.
Time: Sun 02:30 pm Location: Galleria 4 - Hilton (Length: 1 Hour)
RetroBlasting Presents Indiana Jones: The Hilarious History
Description: RetroBlasting gives you insights into the greatest adventure film series of all time, including all the wacky things that made it into the final edit of this cinema classic.
Time: Sun 05:30 pm Location: M103-M105 - Marriott (Length: 1 Hour)
We will be presenting at Dragoncon 2015 - more details to come!